Wednesday, October 12, 2011

OCT 1, 2011 Knots, Patient Packaging

October 1, 2011

No  fall colors yet.

No discernible fall colors yet.

Tie knots, knots, and more knots than tying them behind our back, or one handed or maybe even one handed behind our backs.

With all the late summer early fall rain the fungi are very happy!

Trebor Kool had asked me to help him come up with a boulder that could serve as the Memorial Dumb As Rocks Boulder.   Well folks here it is!    Trebor will be doing a blog posting in the future about how we all can be dumb as a box of rocks sometimes.   Since all of us have at times shown the ability to be dumb as rocks or dumb as a pile of rocks and some of us manage to display this trait almost all of the time, Trebor felt that the condition deserved its on memorial.     After careful consideration the candidate pictured below was selected to be the Dumb As Rock Memorial Boulder found around R37 on  the Ridge Trail or just where the Ridge Trail first pops out onto the top of Skyline aka PATC Wall.

I believe the Dumb As Rock Memorial Boulder is very photogenic.   I would even say handsome or pretty.   Of course being handsome or pretty does not exempt one from displaying a lack of intelligence.

In my opinion, this wonderful boulder is providing a public service of the highest order so I make sure to give it a couple of pats and thank it for its service every time I pass it.

A patient packaging exercise on the summit.

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