Thursday, February 23, 2012

Presidents Day Weekend

Saturday Presidents Day Weekend

The parking lot was three quarters full.  Lots of folks on the mountain.  Temperature high on the mountain was in the 40's.    It must have been bring your babies hiking day because I think I saw at least 8 different parties with kids under two.  The weather had been warm leading up to the weekend and virtually all the snow and ice were gone.      It was a fairly warm slightly sunny day.     There were no blowdowns and the trail was just slightly muddy.    Down in the hollow we spotted daffodils that looked like they would be blooming by next week.     A little after dark we talked to a couple of climbers in the Berryhollow parking lot.   They said that the weather had been warm enough for the rock climbing to be good in the sun.  

My significant other was visiting  from Texas and she insisted on a picture.   After a few with me making funny faces or poses I acquiesced to at least one regular one.

My very dear college friend, Louise and significant-other/ special lady friend from Texas.

For those interested the following are links concerning use of significant other and other like titles.

One of the more interesting things Louise been able to do in her life was be a shepherdess in Wyoming.   She spent a lot of time high in the Big Horns living in  sheep wagon, with her only regular company being her flock, her dog,  and her horse.  

If you have never seen a sheep wagon check out the following link:

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